Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"The Lord will shape the back to bear the burdens placed upon it." Thomas S. Monson

I have debated over and over again whether or not to write a blog post about this. I am the type of person that tends to keep things private and to deal with things on my own. For some reason I have had the thought maybe I should blog this experience. So, if this post is not just for me to cope with what has happened more than anything I really hope maybe someone out there will benefit from it.

At the beginning of the year Spencer and I really started to throw around the idea of when we wanted to start a family. Quite honestly, we both have been a little petrified to make this change. We love our life. We love our freedom of being able to do what we want when we want. But we both knew that the time was coming and that we would have to rely on the Lord and have some faith; so we did just that. At the beginning of May we went on clomid (a fertility drug- we were blessed to know before had that I had some issues and it would take a little extra help to get us pregnant). Two weeks after that we went back to the doctor and he checked to see how things were going and was pleased to see that one egg had matured. He prescribed us a drug that would help me ovulate the egg. That night I gave myself a shot and literally the next day I ovulated. Instantly, my body was changing. Not trying to get our hopes up we both thought that the symptoms I was experiencing were from the shot of hormones I gave to myself. We also thought there is no way we are pregnant because the doctor said it could be anywhere from 3-6 months before we might get pregnant because my hormones were so out of whack.

Two weeks after the shot we took a pregnancy test. For all of you out there that have never taken a pregnancy test I was a little naïve to the whole situation myself. Devastated, we were convinced that the test was negative because there was only a slight second line. Well, on my way to work that night I called one of my really good friends Lisa and told her what happened and she brought me up to speed that even a slight line is a positive test. After getting over my blonde moment I was ecstatic! All of those feelings of fear had disappeared and were replaced with excitement. But just for my own piece of mind I took another test the next day after waking up and it was definitely positive.

Being the sneaky wife I am I decided that I wouldn’t tell Spencer yet and I would figure out a way to surprise him. I called the doctor’s office and told them the good news and they said they wanted to verify the results with a blood test. This was a nerve racking experience as I waited for a nurse to call me back with those results. Luckily enough the nurse delivered the good news that Spencer and I were pregnant.

Now that I knew it was really for sure I started devising a plan of how to surprise Spencer.  That week we were leaving for Tennessee to visit Spencer’s brother and his family. All of the sudden it hit me; I would have one of the flight attendants announce it on the plane. It was all arranged- I wrote a note to the attendant and gave it to her. You can see how this all went down… What a priceless moment!

Once we hit six and half weeks the doctor wanted to do a viability ultra sound just to make sure that the baby was growing properly. For some reason I was really uneasy about this whole situation. Even as we sat in the doctor’s office Spencer looked at me and asked “Aren’t you excited?”. No matter what he said I couldn’t shake the anxiety I felt. They finally called us back to the exam room and it seemed like hours before the doctor actually came in. As the doctor performed the ultrasound he was being really quiet. Not being able to stand one more second of silence I said “Ok so what do you see”. The doctor then replied “I am so sorry Nicole but I am having a hard time finding the baby. I can see the amniotic sac and placenta but I just don’t see a baby”. My heart dropped… No baby? What? How is that even possible? Well, believe it or not it really happens. It is called an “anembryonic pregnancy.” What this means is that the fertilized egg attached to the wall of the uterus, and while it may have begun to develop a placenta, it didn’t develop into an embryo.

Words cannot describe how Spencer and I felt. When the doctor left the room so I could change, we both burst into tears. We definitely experienced all the stages of grief. First we were depressed, then just straight up mad. Once we started to come to terms with what had happened we reflected on other people on our lives who had gone through the same thing or worse. We decided to follow their amazing examples.

This experience has changed us forever. It is amazing how much more compassion you feel for others who have been in your same shoes. It has been a testimony to both Spencer and I how the Lord places certain people on our lives for a reason and gives us these trials not only for our benefit but for the benefit of others. I think that the world doesn’t give enough empathy for couples that miscarry. I know I sure didn’t before this experience. It is an extremely difficult thing no matter how far along you were in your pregnancy.

Honestly, I didn’t want to tell anyone and neither did Spencer. We didn’t even want to tell our families but I knew my mother would have my head if I didn’t tell her. When I told her about the situation she told me that I needed to tell people so that they could pray and emphasize with us. She also told me that there are people out there who know exactly how I felt and that I should rely on them for guidance and support. How true my mother’s wisdom was.

I decided that it would be appropriate to tell my brother who is on his mission. Brandon told me to read a scripture; it is D&C 122:7- it reads:

 7 And if thou shouldst be cast into the apit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the bdeep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to chedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of dhell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give theeeexperience, and shall be for thy good.

How grateful I am for the scriptures. What a comfort. As hard as this trial was it will be for our benefit. I am so grateful to have the knowledge that I have of the gospel. Knowing that my Savior not only suffered for the sins of the world but for every other emotion and experience we go through helped me cope with this situation. Our Savior knows each and every one of us and he is the one we should turn to with whatever happens- for he knows how you feel.

As much as this whole experience sucked (sorry I don’t have a better word to describe it) I know that good will come from it. For anyone who reads this and experiences this horrible situation sometime in your life, know that everything happens for a reason and that there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel.